Talk Story with Patty Chin
In celebration of the HI H.O.P.E.S. Initiative 15th Anniversary, we took a moment to talk story with Patricia "Patty" Chin. The 28th of this month marks Patty’s first six months as the HI H.O.P.E.S. Initiative Statewide Manager, but she has been part of EPIC as a program recipient since she was 16 years old. At 18, Patty, joined the HI H.O.P.E.S. Youth Leadership Board on Kauaʻi, then in 2018, started her professional journey with EPIC as a Youth Partner.
Talk Story with Marilyn Toribio Cocchia
This month, we are honored talk story with Marilyn Toribio Cocchia the Youth Circle Manager. Marilyn shared what inspired her to be a part of EPIC.
October 2023 Staff Corner - Jeanne Hamilton
People who participate in the Nā Kama work bring a wide variety of experiences and perspectives. One may be a cultural practitioner. One may be a person whose experiences include homelessness or substance abuse and children placed into foster care. One may be a leader in a state agency or a nonprofit agency. One may be a frontline worker who works every day with families or young people.
March 2023 Staff Spotlight - Lise Vaughan-Sekona
Join us in welcoming our new Program Development Manager, Lise Vaughan-Sekona. Lise has a passion for justice and service. After learning of the transformative work at EPIC 'Ohana has been doing in and for our community, she became interested in being a part of the organization
November 2022 Staff Spotlight - Kim Nabarro
Kim Nabarro is a Parent Partner within the Family Wrap Hawaii department
July 2022 Staff Spotlight - Wilma Friesema
Wilma Friesema is the ‘Ohana Connections and Staff Development Manager
December 2021 Staff Spotlight - Mandy Jimenez Casian
Mandy Jimenez Casian is a Youth Circle Facilitator
September 2021 Staff Spotlight - Corina Calvo
Corina Calvo is an ‘Ohana Conference Specialist (Coordinator)
2021 June Staff Spotlight - Denise Clark
Denise Clark is an ‘Ohana Conferencing Faciliator.
Staff Spotlight: Take Five with Patty Duh
Patty is the Pono Process Lead /HI HOPES Match Kaua’i Site Coordinator.