Nā Kama a Hāloa is a community-based network that first came together in September 2018. We work to weave Native Hawaiian wisdom and perspective into the Hawai‘i foster care system. We strive to share power among representatives of Native Hawaiian serving institutions, the state Child Welfare Services, contracted service providers, and birth parents and youth with lived experience in child welfare. Our efforts improve outcomes for Native Hawaiian children and families involved in the child welfare system.
‘Ōlelo No‘eau
He hiʻi alo ua milimili ʻia i ke alo,
ua hāʻawe ʻia ma ke kua,
ua lei ʻia ma ka ʻāʻī.
A beloved one, caressed in the arms,
carried on the back,
whose arms have gone about the neck as a lei.
Said of a beloved child.
Our Dream:
We have reimagined and transformed child welfare so that it is grounded in Native Hawaiian culture and values and is sustained in deep positive relationships that heal and strengthen ourselves, our ‘ohana, and our communities.
Network Goal:
By the year 2030, Native Hawaiian children are no longer disproportionately represented in child welfare.
Video Links:
Ho`okahi Ke Aloha (All United in Harmony and Love)- Celebrating Shared Parenting
Our Keiki, Our Kuleana: Weaving ‘Ohana Together
Family First Hawai‘i Pū‘olo Metaphor
Family First Hawai‘i Pū‘olo Metaphor (short version)
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Contact Us
For more information about Nā Kama a Hāloa please contact:
Kailene Nihipali Sanchez
Nā Kama a Hāloa Manager
Current Partners in Nā Kama a Hāloa: Participants include people from institutions and organizations who work in child welfare, serve the Native Hawaiian population, and Native Hawaiians with lived experience:
Child Welfare Services, DHS
Lili‘uokalani Trust
Kamehameha Schools
EPIC ‘Ohana, Inc.
Partners in Development Foundation, Hui Ho‘omalu
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Family Court CASA program
Catholic Charities Hawai‘i
Family Programs Hawai‘i
Hale Kipa
Neighborhood Place of Waianae
Pu‘a Foundation
Geist Foundation
Hawai‘i Community Foundation
HMSA Foundation
Young people who experienced foster care
Birth parents who experienced child welfare involvement
Resource caregivers (foster parents)
Annie E Casey Foundation
Casey Family Programs
Participants bring different perspectives, contribute to positive change in this area, and identify additional community resources. Most work statewide. The work accomplished will shape policy and practice in multiple agencies working with child-welfare-involved Native Hawaiians.
Logo Design by U'i Naho’olewa.