Youth Partners
Youth Partners are young adults between 18-27 years old with lived experience in systems (foster care, mental health, juvenile justice, etc.) and are passionate about supporting young people going through systems as well. They act as young adult-to-youth peer supporters for youth (aged 12+) in Hawaii.
Who is eligible to receive Youth Partner support?
Youth ages 12+ who are receiving services through Hawaii Department of Health’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD), statewide. Ask your assigned Family Guidance Center Care Coordinator to get connected to a Youth Partner.
Young adults ages 18-24 throughout the island of Oahu. This project seeks to serve unaccompanied youth and young adults (YYA), and parenting or pregnant youth that meet HUD’s definition of “homeless.” Based at Youth Outreach (YO!) Drop-In Center as well as at Hale Kipa & Waikiki Health sites. GOTS Youth Partners will also travel out to communities to meet the young people where they are.
Kosasa Opportunity Youth
Youth and young adults who are ages 16-24 with experience in foster care and would like support with planning for future transitions into adulthood and independent living.
Eligible youth ages 12+ with an active Child Welfare Services (CWS) case who are participating in Family Wrap Hawaii. (Family Wrap is currently offered on Oahu and Hawaii island)
H.Y.P.E (Hawaii Youth Partners for Education)
Youth and young adults in Hawaii ages 16-26 with experience in foster care, the criminal justice system, and/or homelessness seeking to enroll and graduate from postsecondary programs
Mission Statement
The Youth Partner program seeks to empower and encourage young people as they navigate systems in recognizing their own value and potential, support connection within their community, foster resilience, and promote self-sufficiency.
We are committed to promoting the well-being of our peer support workforce, equipping them with the necessary skills and support to excel in their roles, and providing guidance to be successful in their future.
Our Core Values
Youth Voice & Choice
Contact us
Corinna Sosa
Youth Partner Program Manager
Email: csosa@epicohana.org
Phone: (808) 954-2837
Daniel Ho
Youth Partner Supervisor
Email: dho@epicohana.org
Phone: (808) 861-6299
Youth Partners and Parent Partners at Peerpocalypse 2023